Do you want to know more about our imagotype?


We have chosen the mountains as the image of our winery.

The mountains convey ideas of ascent, verticality and solidity; of mass.

Besides, those chosen also express our idea of diversity, biodiversity,

which we understand to be a tradition in Rioja.


At the base is Table Mountain. It is the base not so much because it is the lowest mountain and because it is literally at the table where our work is especially appreciated, but because being the iconic image of Cape Town sends us back to Bryan MacRobert, the soul of our project, who always had it in sight in the years when his passion for wine was developing in the family farm there at the southern edge of the southern hemisphere.

The other three form mountain ranges that give an idea of the diversity of Rioja: they embrace four different political communities and account for the different climates, soils and vines that give variety to our wines.

In ascending order, firstly the Sierra de Cantabria, which marks the northern boundary of the Rioja. We have chosen a profile that can be seen from properties that we cultivate in the Rioja Alavesa, in which El León dormido (The sleeping lion) stands out, and is also the closest reference to the city of Logroño in which we live.

Next is the profile of the Sierra de la Hez which marks the southern limit of the eastern part of the Rioja, taken from the Tudelilla vineyard which supplies us with that very special garnacha.

And the highest, the Sierra de la Demanda, where the Monte de San Lorenzo (Mount San Lorenzo) rises up, the totem of the Rioja, the southern limit of its western part and perceptible almost from any point of our vineyards in the area, including the Rioja Alavesa. The mountains are defined by colours that can be as changeable as life itself, and enclosed in a circle that seeks to indicate the sum of hemispheres that our names express, but which does not close completely because it opens up to new expectations and horizons. Perhaps you can imagine the glass and feel the land of the wine that is drunk from it. Two notes of colour, perhaps the sun, perhaps the moon, which mark our rhythms, complete the perspective

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